Reality show v/s real life

B. Lalitha
6th Sem E&IE

Aaj kal ke zamane me reality shows are more welcome in the idiot boxes. They have become a fashion or trend. Hence are getting popped in channels like anything.
A reality show exactly has real world people instead of paid actors. These how are supposed to portray real life situations and events that effect people’s lives. Many talent hunts are also called as reality shows where the hidden talents are tapped out of the common people themselves.
But questions arise, are they real or just entertainment? Are they good for society? Are they waste of time?
Reality, in dictionary, is the quality or state of being actual or true. Apart from reality, if we consider a situation where we are getting video-taped and we know the cameras are on and we act as we are supposed to act. This can be named as Entertainment as here we try to amuse or please people. We cannot say that situations shown on a reality TV show are authentic. Some reality TV participants eat really disgusting loathsome strange things and perform potentially life threatening stunts in pursuit of monetary gain. Some are put in a house and are expected to live in harmony with total strangers who undergo a lot of pressure when their characters clash.
These are those some statements which make people watch a reality show. We get to see people acting like people. We laugh when they do stupid things. We cry with them when something bad happens. We shake our heads when they act like fools. These divert people’s attention from their own lives and things happening around them. That can be either good or bad. It’s good, sometimes, to escape from problems, fears and pressures of life, for a while. So in that sense a reality TV is a good for society as long as it’s just a simulation of reality.
On the contrary, audience become couch-potatoes to watch these TV shows and to get this done TV shows are equally getting designed to get high TRPs & to attract the biggest possible audience and hence to get good capital profits.
Finally, I would like to say if you use a reality show or any TV show to escape from your life and its issues, then it’s a waste of time. Reality shows are only simulations of life. Just keep saying, “It’s not real.. It’s not real.” Find solutions which are within you but not from any idiot box. So one suggestion from a pure heart….TURN OFF THE TV. Get out from there to experience a real reality show, directed by a supernatural power, up above there, called ‘REAL LIFE’. You shall be amazed how entertaining, how amusing and interesting it can be.


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