V.S.K. Chandrika
6th Sem Chem

Our life is full of trials and tribulations, sorrows and miseries. In this life, there is much to be endured and little to be enjoyed.
Life is a ceaseless struggle. Homer, one of the greatest poets that the world has ever produced, was blind and to him all life was darkness. Alexander got his life cut off at a very early age and it is said that even during his victorious campaigns, he never felt at peace with himself. Trimerlane, one of the world’s greatest conquerors was lame. All the world’s riches have no meaning if one has lost one’s limbs.
Shakespeare’s tragic heroes and heroines suffered from a prolonged inner conflict, the agony of which could be described by non else but Shakespeare himself. Even after having killed his adversaries and taken over kingship, Machbeth didn’t enjoy it for a lifetime. And even when he enjoyed it, he was haunted by fears of Desdemona in the island of conjugal but short lived bliss and a short time’s happiness led him but to the grave.
The idyllic love Antonio and Cleopatra of Romeo and Juliet brought happiness only for short while leading them ultimately to the grave. Christ suffered all kinds of pain until the end of his life, in order to resurrect humanity from sorrow and misery.
Why is there so much misery and sorrow in this world? Couldn’t God Almighty have made life a bed of roses, instead of a bed of thorns? As the scriptures say, human life is atonement for the original sin committed by Adam and Eve. We all are suffering from the travails of the existence because of that ………. It is therefore natural that human life is nothing but a stage, where all our activities constitute a part of high drama, produced and directed is the destiny.


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