Marry a millionaire

Amrit Kumar Patel
8th Sem CHEM
I can't name a single person who doesn't have some fantasies about being filthy rich. I'm quite certain that most people also have the same daydreams. Just look at the lines of people buying lottery tickets and you'll see the stars in their eyes. My parents were by no means rich, but not hunting for money. I always wanted the latest trends and my father would tell me that I was going to marry a millionaire just to keep up with my demands. While I knew he was joking, it was an idea that I considered. But, how in the world do you marry a millionaire? Do you just walk up to people in the streets, ask them if they're rich and single? It's a great fantasy but not one that most people have the pleasure of turning into a reality.
There are reality TV shows that allow people to compete for the opportunity to win the heart of and marry a millionaire. That just doesn't seem to be the proper way to court and fall in love. But, stuff like that brings in viewers and more viewers ensure profits for TV producers.
If you really want to marry a millionaire, make it happen. Just know that you might have to change your lifestyle before you even attempt to chase that dream. My father also told me that you are who you surround yourself with. If you want to be rich, surround yourself with rich people. Just make sure you are able to fit in. Normal people can't marry a millionaire if they don't play the part. Think about it, millionaires are probably well educated, worldly and live life in a certain manner. Remember Marilyn Monroe's role in "How to Marry A Millionaire"? Pretend you're her. Woo the lady or man that you've always dreamed of. I can't say that just because you may get lucky enough to marry a millionaire, you'll be happy. As much as you may think money buys happiness, and for me it just might, it may have the opposite affect. Perhaps after the ownership of expensive materials gets boring, you may realize how much you don't enjoy your lifestyle. I'm not sure why, so don't ask. But it could happen. You've seen the shows and movies. There's always the lady who does marry a millionaire and has a miserable life. Maybe he's never around. Maybe he has girlfriends all over the place. Maybe she's lonely and empty inside. Maybe they need to spend some of their earnings on therapy.
I would certainly like to marry one in a million but not a millionaire, I'd absolutely love to have a huge house and expensive cars, constant shopping sprees and go on exotic vacations. In fact, that's what I think about when I'm waiting behind all of those hopeful people in the lines to buy lottery tickets. I don't need to marry a millionaire , I just need a few lucky winning numbers.


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